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The Dark Side

Dr Graveline MD tells us his story after taking a statin. He eventually succumbed to the resulting damage, but managed to publish several books. Early in the book he points out the positive value of cholesterol and notes that LDL is not “bad” cholesterol at all. LDL can become damaged by sugars and that is bad! Why aren’t the doctors looking at this? Because they have been schooled by the pharmaceutical industry.

His website is still live and is worth looking at. Duane Graveline


There has been a big push for years to get people to take calcium supplements in order to avoid osteoporosis. The problem has been that the calcium has not been going into the bones, it has been adding to arterial plaques. Since the “low fat” diet fad came on the scene, people have been getting less vitamin K2. Vitamin K2 is what helps get the calcium out of the bloodstream and into the bones. Is it any wonder that coronary artery disease and osteoporosis are on the rise despite the “low fat” diet? Read this fascinating book and learn what your doctors should be learning!

Statins & Cellular Death

This book was difficult to digest. There are many aspects to statins, from their history to their effects on the human body, all of it very alarming. Statins are mycotoxins. They reduce cholesterol by blocking the mevalonate pathway. Mevalonate produces isoprenoids which are vital for DNA replication and cell production. This alone is alarming enough. But when you consider that cholesterol isn’t the evil killer that doctors and drug companies have made it out to be, it is even worse. The greatest concentration of cholesterol in any organ is in the brain. The brain needs cholesterol in order to function. Why would you want to starve it?

The authors outline the history of statins, the distortions of information, and all of the dirty little secrets. They are very dangerous. Even red yeast rice is not safe as it is a mycotoxin.

If statins interfere with cell DNA and cell replication, and our bodies are constantly replicating cells, why would you want to take them?


Doctor had to retire before publishing this

This book was a shocking read. This man was a cog in the medical system and knows how it works. Now I am much wiser and my medical appointments are quite different. So much unnecessary testing and medicating. Quite literally killing us. Saying “no” is something I do more often now and I feel better for it. Once you have read this one, you will not be the same.


One shock after another

This book was a real springboard. It references several other books for further reading and if you really want better health, this is a great place to park yourself. I liked his writing style and he isn’t afraid to skewer the sacred cows of our health care “system”. I like the cheeky quotes sprinkled throughout the pages.

Meat Me

This was a fun book

This book has information that goes against the grain, yet can be quite helpful if you are trying to get in better shape. I enjoyed reading it and benefited from it. I made a slow transition to a meat heavy diet and began losing weight and feeling better. I bought an inexpensive used copy and it was worth the investment. I read this after reading Metabolical and there are areas of agreement in these two books.

It’s the food

Our food supply is diabolical

I have been dealing with health issues for many years. I had followed medical advice from multiple providers and no improvement was evident.

This was the first book I read that started a radical course correction and led to a complete turn-around. The foundational problem with health is the type of food consumed. Period. Pills, exercise and supplements will not overcome the wrong diet. I had a doctor recommend oatmeal as a good breakfast option and I dutifully followed his advice and watched my health decline even further.

This book is really good, it gets a bit preachy and political in spots, but overlooking that is simple enough. Even his previous book, “Fat Chance” would be enough to get your attention and make some radical changes. Either one is a must read.

Linus Pauling

Inexpensive used paperback book well worth the price

After reading Pauling I began taking high dose Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Shocking would be a good word to describe the positive health changes that have been taking place. I added a few more Pauling recommended supplements to my daily protocol and now my lab results look normal for the first time in decades. Of course the detractors of this approach are many.

Some interesting reading here:

Eye Opening

This book was shocking.

Reading this changed my mind about everything the doctors were trying to tell me. It seems that the medical industry wants everyone on a cholesterol lowering drug. Actually, except for those that suffer from FH (Familial hypercholesterolemia), statin drugs generally cause more harm than good. The author has a website worth checking out. Uffe Ravnskov. He is an independent researcher as well as a medical doctor.